Chairman Goodlad called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m., Monday, February 23, 2009 at the Star Prairie Community Center.


Members Present: Bob Goodlad, Don Demulling, Warren Wood, Stuart Nelson, and Dennis Early


Members Absent:  Brad Johnson and Neil Johnson


Nelson moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Wood, and carried.


The January minutes were read by Demulling.  Wood moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Nelson, and carried 


Treasurer’s report by Early: 


            ENDING ACCOUNT BALANCES                                  $45,552.80

            INCOME                                                                                        38.13

EXPENSES                                                                                  134.48

ENDING ACCOUNT BALANCES 2/23/2009                 $45,456.45


Demulling moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Wood, and carried.


Bills presented:

                         Star Prairie Fish & Game: ˝ cost of fish cribs                                     $1,701.00

                             Early moved to approve, seconded by Wood, and carried

                         Dan Michaelis – website expense                                                           $140.00

                             Nelson moved to approve, seconded by Wood, and carried




Water Quality Study:  Bill James from the Corps of Engineers, along with Buzz Sorge from the Eau Claire DNR office, gave a presentation regarding the water quality study to be conducted on Cedar Lake.  This will be a two year study with the third year being an assessment of the study.  There will be three different off site sampling spots at Big Lake, Horse Creek at County Hwy K and Horse Creek at the inlet.  There will also be six water monitoring spots in the lake.  The sampling will begin May 1st and run into October.  The aerator will not be operated for the next two years.  The Lake District’s cost would be approximately $20,000.  In kind, labor can be used to offset the district’s cost.  An open house has been scheduled for April 11th at the Star Prairie Community Center from 9:00 am until noon.


Ice Fishing Contest:  Paul Sickman from the DNR reported that the New Richmond Athletic Association’s ice fishing contest went well with approximately 1000 people in attendance.


The next meeting will be March 23, 2009 at the Star Prairie Community Center at 7:00 p.m.


Demulling moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Wood, and carried.  Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.


Minutes submitted by Don J. Demulling